2013 #01 – You're Part of The Miracle Process



A piece of the miracle process has been reserved for each of us.
Jim Rohn

Have you seen comedian and actor Jim Carrey talk about writing himself a $10 million check, with a payment due date for his acting services? He was broke at the time. He hoped for a successful career and achieved it.

I, on the other hand, have envisioned wonderful possibilities. While I thought, pronounced and wrote supportive affirmations, doubts darkled my bright ideas with questions like:

• Who do you think you are?
• What makes you think you can accomplish that idea?
• Do you really want to invest your resources, time and peace of mind in a project that might not work?

Years ago, I founded Shooting Star Productions, a cultural organization that published the literary quarterly Shooting Star Review. I was told that 90% of new magazines publish just one issue. Of those that continue, only 10% publish three issues. Shooting Star Review published forty issues (and I intend to place that work on my new web site).

How did I realize that publication goal? Certainly not because I believed I could do it, but because I believed that Shooting Star should happen, or as Allard Lowenstein said of hopes and dreams, goals and aspirations,

The question should be, is it worth trying to do; not can it be done?
Allard Lowenstein

Question: What miracle can I realize?
Affirmation: I am showered with blessings. Source

In upcoming issues, BriteLites will present videos that offer insights into how the brain functions and how below-the-radar mind processes sabotage. This time, enjoy the 7-minute, “Psychology of Wealth” video by respected entrepreneur and motivator Jim Rohn.

Leading an Inspired Life
by Jim Rohn
Hardcover Price $39.95 

# 37 – A Portrait of You


It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are.

After watching Dr. Phil’s show about a mother who hates her daughter, I learned that most who are in (or could benefit from) therapy have been raised by mothers who couldn’t care.   That said, The Boston Globe describes a life-changing, aha! moment:

As parents, we know we aren’t perfect. Our children, however, think we
are, at least when they are young. Depending on how and when we fall off our pedestal, their reaction can range from mild disappointment to intense anger.  From their perspective, we have let them down, and that is no small thing

That let down is not as big as realizing – eventually – that fallible human beings have told us who and what we are (and actions can speak way louder than words).

No matter the dimness or lights in portraits that others have painted of us, I think that e. e. cummings was right about discovering and defending the best of who we are as we keep growing up.

Question:  What are the best and brightest things that are true about me?

Affirmation:  I enjoy being my best friend and chief cheerleader.  Source.


Each week, SoulSongz searches the internet for videos that can inspire, uplift and motivate.  Why not draw a self portrait using this 2-minute guide?  And, as the artist recommends, keep tweaking the portrait until you see your best friend and chief cheerleader.  (Click on the paint brush.)
Nominate videos for SoulSongz’s “Worth A Look.”   When selected, receive art featured in  Sandra’s Gallery.
“The Left and The Right Of It”
Support SoulSongzTSTL 6
Each week, SoulSongz delivers lovely art and enriching information.
Support by clicking on the image and visiting galleries where my art can be purchased, either as prints for less than $20 or custom framed.  Note the Weekly Specials.
SoulSongz can also be supported with a $20 gift.  Thank you.   Payments

#35 – Boo! Possibilities & "You Deserve" video


Become a possibilitarian. No matter how dark  things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see possibilities – always see  them, for they’re always there.
Norman Vincent Peale

When I was in tenth grade, we lived on a lonely hilltop surrounded by apple and pear, cherry and peach trees.  One gray afternoon, as I strode from the kitchen, as I expected the dining room to open before me, a monstrous form hovered above the door.  I was so horrified, I fell flat on my back (so much for the fright-flight response).

My kid sister never said, “Boo!”  And I think she was too shocked at how discombobulated I was to laugh … right away.  Nowadays,  recalling that humiliating and offensive incident, I think of how Zig Ziglar explained that “fear” is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real.

If I’d looked up, I’d have seen my sister standing on that furniture, arching her arms and wriggling her fingers in that stupid,  “Creature From The Black Lagoon” imitation.  If I’d looked up.  If.

A Question:    What scares me these days?

An Affirmation:  Every breath I inhale calms me.  Every breath I exhale takes away tension and open a space for brighter possibilities.   Source

Worth A Look

Each week, SoulSongz searches the internet for videos that can inspire, uplift and motivate.  This 48-minute presentation was one of the most popular on PBS.  SoulSongz hopes that it inspires smiles as well as great ideas.

Nominate videos for SoulSongz’s “Worth A Look.”   When selected, receive art featured in Sandra’s gallery.

Critiquing Critics

BriteLitesBiz, Information & Inspiration for WordSmiths

 This week, 18th century author Guy de Maupassant critiques critics.  This week, BriteLites will also offer final preparations for November’s National Novel Writing Month.  Visit BriteLitesBiz.

Support SoulSongz

Each week, SoulSongz delivers lovely art and enriching information.  Support by visiting Sandra’s galleries where her art can be purchased, either as prints for less than $20 or custom framed.  Note the Weekly Specials.
SoulSongz can also be supported with a $20 gift.  Thank you.   Payments

# 34 – To Have Succeeded & Zig Ziglar (video)


The Sky’s The Limit #4

To laugh often and much;
to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children …
to leave the world a better place …
to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson was radical. Way before the Civil War, he believed that everything is connected to God; therefore, divine. Because of that divinity-by-association, he wrote,

Trust thyself; every heart vibrates to that iron string.
Accept the place the divine providence has found for you,
the society of your contemporaries,
the connection of events.
“Self Reliance”

Through SoulSongz’s “The Sky’s The Limit” series, I seek different voices to remind that I can accomplish a lot. And a lot can begin by lifting my head. I’m well acquainted with how sidewalks and dirt and rocks look. I watch them to keep from tripping. But to stop from time to time and study what’s up … whether day or dark, clear or cloudy, to experience the world above, ah, that’s special. Sky-gazing, this week,

I ask: How can I leave the world a better place?

I affirm: I can start by smiling. I can begin by listening. I can take great joy in offering these gifts, and I can _____________________________________________.

Okay, I’ll try this approach on a moment-to-moment, case-by-case basis.

What do you ask? What do you affirm?

Worth A Look

Each week, SoulSongz searches the internet for videos that can inspire, uplift and motivate.
This will be one of the best 9 minutes of your life.  You’ll wind up with a big smile as well as a great goal.
Nominate videos for SoulSongz’s “Worth A Look.”   When selected, receive art featured at www.SandraGouldFord.ImageKind.com
 Support SoulSongz

Each week, SoulSongz delivers lovely art and enriching information.  Support by visiting my galleries where art can be purchased, either as prints for less than $20 or custom framed.  Note the Weekly Specials.
SoulSongz can also be supported with a $20 gift.  Thank you.   Payments

Information & Inspiration for WordSmiths

This week, Robert Louis Stevenson discusses perfection in writing.  Click on the picture. See and comment on this week’s a short excerpt from an essay by Robert Louis Stevenson (author of Kidnapped, Treasure Island and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde).

#33 – By Any Means & How Celebrities Transform Troubles


The Sky’s The Limit #3

Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.

This photograph was taken while I drove through Utah’s canyonlands.  Coming from a very green and hilly region, the wide, weather-sculpted terrain astounded me.

While little lives in that austere land, the place inspires.  Looking at this image again and again, I know that I am small.  Yet, because I am of the elements that gave that place substance and energy, majesty fills me.

That I could experience a world that huge ignites sky-high possibilities.  I know that I must begin now, doing all the good I can, by all the means I can, so …

I ask:  What magnificent things can I do today, this week, this year?

I affirm:  I am blessed with fine abilities, talents and connections.  With them, I can ________________________________________.

Next Post:  To Have Succeeded

Worth A Look
A 13-minute conversation with Charlie Rose about how celebrities transform their problems into courage and confidence.

See Also