Make Each Day A Masterpiece


"Make Each Day A Masterpiece," Mike Lipkin

Through his Personal Alchemy program, Motivator-in-Chief Mike Lipkin promotes the belief that there is, “Unique ability within every person to create value; exclusive magic that makes every person irresistible and unstoppable.”

In a recent television commercial, a man advises his grumbling, mountain-climbing companions to have a little less attitude and more altitude. Mike Lipkin expands this encouragement with his call to, “Make every day a masterpiece.”

Each dawn does offer the opportunity to discover and deliver something magnificent. In our first, waking moments, we can select the glorious gift that we alone can offer the world.

What masterpiece will you present?

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"Make each day a Masterpiece," Mike Lipkin

PhotoArt (c) 2012 by Sandra Gould Ford

A view of the Blue Ridge Mountains, SkyLine Drive, Virginia.

Make Every Day A Masterpiece

Through his Personal Alchemy program, Motivator-in-Chief Mike Lipkin promotes the belief that there is, “Unique ability within every person to create value; exclusive magic that makes every person irresistible and unstoppable.”

In a recent television commercial, a mountain climber advises his grumbling, mountain-climbing companions to have a little less attitude and more altitude. Mike Lipkin expands this encouragement with his call to, “Make every day a masterpiece.”

Each dawn does offer the opportunity to discover and deliver something magnificent. In our first, waking moments, we can select the glorious gift that we alone can offer the world.

What masterpieces will you present?

Each dawn does offer the opportunity to re-awaken dreams, re-discover our possibilities and deliver something magnificent. In our first, waking moments, we can consider and select the glorious gift that we alone can birth and bless ourselves with as well as the world.

What masterpieces will you present this week?

All comments on this week’s topic that are received by Friday, midnight ET are eligible for a drawing to win one of 3, hand-made & frameable greeting cards of this week’s art.